Curs Content Marketing - OK Institute

Curs Content Marketing aprofundat. 7 module de tip workshop. Dedicat antreprenorilor, specialistilor in marketing online si e-commerce. Ai 10% reducere cu codul ECOMJOBS!
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Curs Google Analytics - OK Institute

Curs Google Analytics aprofundat, 7 module de tip workshop. Dedicat specialistilor in e-commerce si marketing online. Functionalitati pentru business. Ai 10% reducere cu codul ECOMJOBS!
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Curs Google Adwords - OK Institute

Curs Google AdWords aprofundat, 8 module de tip workshop. Dedicat antreprenorilor, specialistilor in e-commerce si marketing online. Ai 10% reducere cu codul ECOMJOBS!
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Zendesk Chat

Platforma pentru comunicarea in timp real cu vizitatorii (chat).
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Visual Website Optimizer

A/B Testing and Conversion Optimization Platform
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Asana is a task management SaaS platform that allows task assignment, scheduling, and tracking.
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You can audit your own site or your competitors and receive a report indicating strengths and weaknesses of a complete site, compare sites in your niche, improve SEO and identify keywords, or analyze ad campaign performance.
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Retargeting este cea mai buna solutie pentru a vinde online! Singurul software de email marketing din Romania care iti poate creste vanzarile pana la 100%
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Solutie completa Automatizare Marketing si Retargeting
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Google Analytics

Cea mai folosita unealta pentru raportarea activitatii pe site (vizite, conversii).
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Atelierul Digital by Google

Instruire gratuită în marketingul online pentru a dobândi abilitățile de lucru în mediul digital de care aveți nevoie pentru a vă dezvolta compania și cariera.
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European Digital Commerce

European Digital Commerce este un eveniment exclusivist, dedicat comertului electronic, ce isi propune diseminarea celor mai actuale informatii despre procesul digitalizarii si a celor mai bune practici implementate in acest domeniu, la nivel mondial.
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Retail Arena

Vino la eveniment si vei afla cele mai noi tehnici de fidelizare aplicate de retaileri moderni si traditionali pentru a-i atrage pe consumatorii actuali, care resimt deopotriva presiunea timpului si din a caror vocabular online-ul este nelipsit.
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Meet Magento

It is the place where you can meet merchants, decision-makers and opinion leaders of the eCommerce as well as Magento developers and online agencies.
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Full day intensive digital marketing training with the best strategists of the moment.
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