Wired For Story

The writer's guide to using brain science to hook readers from very first sentence.
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The Idea Writers

Copywriting in a New Media and Marketing Era
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Content Inc

How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful Businesses
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Words That Sell

More Than 6,000 Entries to Help You Promote Your Products, Services, and Ideas, Paperback
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WeContent este cea mai mare conferință de content marketing din România, unde cunoști specialiști de top din domeniu și afli cum să ai o strategie de conținut de succes.
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Full day intensive digital marketing training with the best strategists of the moment.
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Cea mai mare conferinta de Social Media din Romania.
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UX days

UX Days is an immersive, educational experience, designed to empower UX practitioners or aficionados with not only critical knowledge about UX Design, but also with essential information on how to manage UXD in the real world, from corporation to startup
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THE place to be cand vine vorba de eCommerce, tehnologie, online si, per total, sfaturi utile pentru business-ul tau.
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teCOMM Cluj

The Eastern Europe eCommerce Event that gathers up online shop owners, service providers and marketing professionals since 2011.
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Avem grijă de datele tale personale. Navigând în continuare, ești de acord cu politica de confidențialitate     Am înțeles