Performance Marketer - Appsolve

Publicat la: 12.12.2017 | Expiră la: 26.01.2018

Acest job este posibil să nu mai fie de actualitate.


appsolve is looking for an experienced, creative and passionate performance marketer, an over-achiever who loves a great challenge and for whom “it can’t be done” is not part of his/her vocabulary.

As a Performance Marketer, you will be responsible for setting up campaigns for niche ecommerce projects, ongoing tracking the results and continuously improving them in order to obtain a better ROI.

We’d love to work with you if you have at least 3 years experience running Facebook Ads and AdWords campaigns that really, really over-performed, in an area where results are easy to measure - ecommerce.  Beware: we will need you to extensively test and step up your game, following the footsteps of the brightest marketers around the world. As a plus, your involvement in CRO will be highly appreciated.

If you’re not an overachiever in any and all of the above, do not apply to this job. Because we’re looking for someone who can eventually build the Performance Marketing team further. appsolve is a startup and you’d be one of the key people on the team responsible for its fast & profitable growth.

Of course, this great challenge comes with a competitive salary, benefits and performance-based incentives - and really special colleagues. We have a great coffee, we'd love to meet you for more details.

When applying, it would be really helpful to give a brief answer to the following questions:

  1. Which is the most advanced campaign you've ever run?

  2. In your opinion, which type of Facebook ads brings the best ROI?

  3. How do you scale a Facebook campaign that is performing well?

Ajută un prieten și spune-i despre acest job.

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