Category Manager E-commerce - MEGA IMAGE

Publicat la: 03.02.2017 | Expiră la: 22.04.2017

Acest job este posibil să nu mai fie de actualitate.


To succeed in this role, you must have:
- Digital product management experience - online product management or ecommerce
- Online consumer marketing experience;
- Passion for the digital business;
- Strong experience in product strategy, and able to translate the strategic vision into clear and concise digital requirements
- Deep understanding of consumer facing online experiences;
- KPI and Goals oriented;
- Strong focus in optimizing conversions;
- Able to work in a fast-paced environment;
- Be able to communicate in Romanian and English (oral and written);
- Good team player, however also be able to work independently;
- Strong customer empathy;
- Will be responsible for permanent analysis of assortment and product profitability
- Initiates commercial strategy and new concepts related to the online sale including procedures and processes that can increase sales, new product categories or giving up to categories that are underachieving.
- Manages online assortment, delists bad products or have big losses and replaces them with other more relevant assortment.
- Drive development of the marketing strategies and integrated campaigns.
- Work with the internal teams to prepare presentations, prepare and report operations reviews and strategy reviews for the Board.
- Collaborate with the Business reporting teams to create data analysis and research to support product decisions.
- Efficient time management and adherence to schedules.

Send us your CV.

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