Cel mai Important Eveniment de E-Commerce din Romania.
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Measure Camp is an open, free-to-attend unconference, different from any other web analytics conference held around the world.
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European Digital Commerce

European Digital Commerce este un eveniment exclusivist, dedicat comertului electronic, ce isi propune diseminarea celor mai actuale informatii despre procesul digitalizarii si a celor mai bune practici implementate in acest domeniu, la nivel mondial.
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Google Analytics

Cea mai folosita unealta pentru raportarea activitatii pe site (vizite, conversii).
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You can audit your own site or your competitors and receive a report indicating strengths and weaknesses of a complete site, compare sites in your niche, improve SEO and identify keywords, or analyze ad campaign performance.
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Tools to improve your search traffic, research your competitors and monitor your niche.
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Zendesk Chat

Platforma pentru comunicarea in timp real cu vizitatorii (chat).
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With Moz, you can track keyword ranking for your site and for competitor sites, compare mobile vs. desktop rankings, find link opportunities elsewhere on the web, identify keyword opportunities, and crawl your site in order to find and fix any potentially-damaging SEO issues.
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Zapier is a tool that allows you to connect apps you use every day to automate tasks and save time
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Compreseaza imaginile pentru o incarcare mai rapida.
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Analizeaza viteza de incarcare a unei pagini si recomanda rezolvarea problemelor.
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See how well a page follows the Google guidelines.
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The Ultimate Guide to Taking and Optimizing Ecommerce Product Images

In e-commerce, images are everything
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WeContent este cea mai mare conferință de content marketing din România, unde cunoști specialiști de top din domeniu și afli cum să ai o strategie de conținut de succes.
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Meet Magento

It is the place where you can meet merchants, decision-makers and opinion leaders of the eCommerce as well as Magento developers and online agencies.
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