Content Inc

How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful Businesses
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Shows how to write for all formats and contexts, from catalogues and advertising to magazines and websites.
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Words That Sell

More Than 6,000 Entries to Help You Promote Your Products, Services, and Ideas, Paperback
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Google Analytics

Cea mai folosita unealta pentru raportarea activitatii pe site (vizite, conversii).
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Read Me

Ten Lessons for Writing Great Copy
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Curs Adwords - SEOmark

Scopul acestui curs nu este doar sa invatati cum sa implementati tehnic reclamele ci cum sa le ganditi si sa le optimizati pentru fi a cu cu adevarat eficiente.
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Workshop Google Analytics

Cursantii vor invata sa utilizeze segmente avansate in rapoarte, sa parametreze obiective de business relevante pentru site-ul lor si sa identifice datele care ajuta la luarea deciziilor strategice in companie.
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Curs fotografie de produs

La acest workshop studiem echipamentele si accesoriile necesare, reglarile specifice ale aparatului foto, iluminarea obiectelor, compozitie si editarea fotografiei de produs.
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Curs Google Analytics - OK Institute

Curs Google Analytics aprofundat, 7 module de tip workshop. Dedicat specialistilor in e-commerce si marketing online. Functionalitati pentru business. Ai 10% reducere cu codul ECOMJOBS!
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Curs Google Adwords - OK Institute

Curs Google AdWords aprofundat, 8 module de tip workshop. Dedicat antreprenorilor, specialistilor in e-commerce si marketing online. Ai 10% reducere cu codul ECOMJOBS!
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Optimize your Facebook Ads as Easily as Making your Morning Coffee
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With Criteo, you can convert more shoppers by presenting them with dynamic ads that recommend the best offers and products from your catalog.
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Facebook ADS

Platforma pentru crearea de reclame pe Facebook.
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Google Adwords

Reclama platita in rezultatele cautarilor pe Google.
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You can audit your own site or your competitors and receive a report indicating strengths and weaknesses of a complete site, compare sites in your niche, improve SEO and identify keywords, or analyze ad campaign performance.
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