Online Specialist - BricoDepot

Publicat la: 06.05.2019 | Expiră la: 20.06.2019

Acest job este posibil să nu mai fie de actualitate.


Main Responsibilities:
  • Document and maintain product's database and services for the website, conducting own research from internal data management assets or supplier's product sheets/ website, online catalogues, etc., ensuring correct and complete information is displayed for our customers;
  • Co-operate with internal departments and suppliers to gather all necessary information and feedback for website product enrichment;
  • Operate updates for product descriptions, titles, images, etc. according with SEO recommendations after proper training;
  • Testing activities performed on our websites for new functionalities implementations, offer feedback to development team and follow-up with them to enable our customers a smooth online journey;
  • Monitor ecommerce flows (customer & store operations) for proper and complete online order processing; whenever needed, assist customers and our stores (phone, email) in finding solutions for any issue they may have, complying, in the same time, with legal requirements and our internal procedures.
  • Attention to detail and strong analytical skills;
  • English language - advanced skills (good speaking and writing skills);
  • Ability to work independetly and to meet deadline;
  • Previous experience in e-commerce/ digital dept. or retail company is considered a plus;

Ajută un prieten și spune-i despre acest job.

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