Content Management Specialist - Arabesque

Publicat la: 07.08.2020 | Expiră la: 06.09.2020

Acest job este posibil să nu mai fie de actualitate.


Candidatul ideal
  • Extensive experience of digital content creation with a proven ability to create content that is accessible and usable;
  • Ideally, 2 to 5 years of experience managing websites and content for a large-scale organization;
  • Experience working with a Content Management System;
  • Familiarity with tools and processes needed to conduct ongoing content testing and optimization;
  • Strong analytical mindset – very good knowledge of MS Office tools (Excel, Access);
  • Basic HTML, CSS skills;
  • Knowledge of website ecosystem (CMS, Analytics, SEO, front-end optimization, UX etc.);
  • Familiarity with some of the following tools is a plus: Photoshop, Data Studio, SimilarWeb, SeoMonitor or other tools.
  • Assertive and resourceful, not afraid to speak up;
  • Ability to work well in a fast-paced environment with an entrepreneurial flavor;
  • Robust project management skills - managing project schedules and scope, tracking all internal and external tasks required to meet project milestones;
  • Demonstrated ability to apply structured thinking and analysis techniques to complex problems;
  • Result focus and action-orientation;
  • University degree preferred.

Descrierea jobului
  • Configures new components and edit existing content within CMS platform;
  • Monitors and audits content performance and reacts upon end-user feedback;
  • Develops and applies content and format strategies;
  • Ensures content is accurate;
  • Ensures timely publication;
  • Improves Search Engines ranking by applying SEO best practices (broken links, content tagging, accessibility) and properly formats and tags content in the CMS;
  • Reviews and analyzes available reports and dashboards, provides insights and suggests user/content tests necessary to optimize website's user engagement;
  • Ensures documentation is up-to-date;
  • Works closely with a team of experts in the areas of website optimization, SEO and Analytics;
  • Identifies opportunities to increase efficiency, automate activities and continuously improve workflows;
  • Maintains content, develops new pages, and ensures overall UX quality and consistency across assigned website using Content Management System (CMS) capabilities;

Ajută un prieten și spune-i despre acest job.

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